Monday, 19 January 2015

First Zbrush Sculpt!!!!!!

I got to do a caricature of my face! I look slightly psychotic but who doesn't enjoy looking at people with crazy eyes? Am I right? I'm happy with how it turned out I wish I could add more detail and take more time with the eyes but animation is calling me so until next time my dear crazy face...until next time. Hoping I'll learn how to create glasses as well and if I do and get a chance to add them I'll update the this.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

LifeDrawing 5th Semester Sprinkled With A Little Bit of 6th

Probably my largest post yet. This is a miscellaneous post of lifedrawings I've done in this current semester and the last. They vary in time, focus, and style and are mostly for the purpose of learning and fun. It's my escape from looking at computer screens and allows my eyes to rest for a couple of hours. Enjoy =)