Monday 28 July 2014

Chubby Owl Speed Painting

I love owls and this gave me a good chance to practice my painting skills. Glad to be working on my tablet.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Sketch, Sketch, Sleeeeeeep

I've been trying to work on my perspective so environment drawings here I come!! I'm still a little rusty but I'll get better with practice.

Realized I forgot to post a couple of my life drawings from third and fourth semester. So here they are late but up for the world to see. The rest of them will hopefully be posted soon.

Juliet and the Dinosaur

This one's inspired by one of the cutest little girls I've ever got to love. For her birthday she got a Stitch plushie but only really fell in love with the toy once she thought it was a dinosaur. Love this kid. I may come back to this and just colour he in flats and cel shading but for now here's the final product.
The original sketch.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Leafy Seadragon Mermaid

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. ~ C. S. Lewis. This brilliant man's words have been a helpful guide to me over the years. I have been incredibly blessed and with the skills I have been given I plan to give all the praise and glory to God. This piece was inspired by drawing a friend of mine. Her work is amazing and everyone should go check it out.   Take care everyone and God bless.